Welcome to SSPG

The Stanford Science Policy Group (SSPG) aims to create a central hub to engage and educate scientists/non-scientists in policy, provide students with tools for science policy professional development, expose students to thoughtful speakers that work in various sectors of policy development (legislative, legal, local etc.). 

Welcome FROM PRESIDENT Kavya Sreedhar

Welcome to the Stanford Science Policy Group (SSPG)!

SSPG hosts a variety of events throughout the year to connect students to scientists and policymakers, provide a space for students to explore the ethical, political, and societal implications of their research, enable students to learn how to effectively communicate their research and the impact of their work, and advocate for science policy issues that affect them as undergraduate and graduate students. 

To that end, we invite speakers to join us in discussions on campus, form working groups with interested members to explore a policy topic, write a policy memo, and/or discuss interesting journal articles and books, and host Hill Days where students can advocate for science policy legislation at the local and federal level in the United States. 

If you are a Stanford student and are interested in being added to our mailing list and Slack channel, please fill out bit.ly/sspg2023. You can also connect with us on Instagram (@sspgstanford) and Twitter (@Sspgstanford), and check out the other pages on our website here, at sspg.stanford.edu. We will share opportunities to get involved through email, Slack, and social media.

We have two upcoming events (our first general meeting on 10/6 and a Science Policy 101 talk by Pat Windham on 10/9) to kick off our programming for the year. Please take a look at the flyers on the event page of our website for more information!

Finally, a huge shout out to the officer team that is working hard to put together a wonderful SSPG experience for everyone this year!! Thanks to Jon (vice president), Kiarash (secretary), Noah (financial officer), and Michelle (social media coordinator) for all of their hard work :)


Kavya Sreedhar

SSPG President 2023 -- 2024

Interested in science policy but don't know how to get involved at Stanford? We have monthly meetings to discuss upcoming events, projects, and other opportunities to get involved with science policy!